Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Out of the closet and into the garage...
Apparently, "How The Mighty Have Fallen" will be the Track Of The Day in the Folk category on Garageband.com, on the 29th of November. For the unitiated, Garageband.com is a site that has its musician members review the work of their fellow artists and assign them ratings of between 1 and 5 stars. Songs pass through several rounds of voting(or not) and can climb(or not) the charts in their particular genre.
"How The Mighty Have Fallen" has earned an average of 4.8 so far, and is into the second round of voting. What does this mean in the grand scheme of things? Not much, probably, but it is rather nice to be involved, and I have discovered a few talented acts along the way. Robin Tymm is one such gentleman, and might be well worth your attention.

1 comment:

Scotty K said...

The Ditchflowers CD "Carried Away is better then the last Stones album w/new material! SKD